Centre Point

Centre Point
At Rick Mather Architects, for the developer Almacantar, the £150mil refurbishment of the 1967 Grade II Listed iconic tower in Central London is nearly complete and will open in 2018.
Currently under construction, the new proposals will transform the office building into a new residential use tower with retail, restaurants and a major public space at its base, created by significant transport changes and removal of the road that passes below. Transforming how the Sixties building meets street level, a major new public square will be created comparable in scale to some of London's most famous squares. This will be a vibrant and unique public space, activated by three levels of restaurant and retail spaces that re-establishes the connections between Oxford Street and Covent Garden. The new retail spaces have been meticulously carved out and revealed from the complex and highly engineered stack of office floors within the Centre Point link and house buildings. Extensive demolitions allow us to reveal the heroic, beautiful and eccentric character of the original design alongside restoring original finishes.
A new-build affordable housing block has been added at the southern end that defines a new public space opposite St Giles Church. This employs pre-cast concrete patterned cladding, using a pattern design developed with Eley Kishimoto and derived from a contemporary reworking of the original 1960s elements.
Role: Project Associate from 2010 onwards for Rick Mather Architects / MICA acting as lead for feasibility, design, planning consents and phased delivery of final scheme
Photos by Andy Stagg.
大規模な解体作業を経て私たちは元来の勇ましく美しい、それでいて奇抜に設計されたセンターポイントの元の姿を復元することに努めました。また、センターポイントの南側に位置する聖ジャイルス教会につながる場所には一般人でも購入できる住居ブロックを建設しました。外観はファッションブランド イーリー・キシモトのパターン用いながら、1960年代に作られた元のセンターポイントの建築要素を現代風に再加工すべく、クラッド鋼に柄を施したプレキャストコンクリートを採用しました。